AAA Educational Solutions offers furniture and supplies that provide innovative, flexible and exciting collaborative environments for your students, faculty and staff. We offer competitive pricing, and piggy-backable contracts, for office and tech supplies, janitorial supplies, safety supplies and furnishings. Whether you are a teacher in need of supplies for your classroom, or looking to redesign your learning spaces and campus, AAA has you covered!

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Accounting & POD's Made Easy

We help you transform your learning spaces, social spaces and administrative spaces, allowing everyone to excel from students to teachers to staff. Let us bring the latest in designs, innovations and functionality that will make your campus a place of engagement, growth, fulfillment, and smiles!
Your one-stop source for supplies for students, teachers and administrators, including teacher supplies, arts and crafts, crayons, paint, markers, pens, pencils, notebooks, backpacks, organizers, binders, decorations, games, sports equipment, rugs and everyday supplies like paper, paper clips and calendars.

Cooperative Contracts
Receive all of the savings with none of the bidding. Take advantage of our public sector cooperative supplies contract with Omnia Partners, or education furniture cooperative contracts awarded to Hon, MooreCo, Scholar Craft, KI, Jonti-craft, OFS-Carolina, Jasper, Global and Smith Systems. Give us a call for more details or to review pricing.

Cordless Mobile Power Solutions
The first office system products that eliminates cords and wires on the floor!
If your school is challenged with solutions for office or classroom hybrid facilities, these mobile power solutions are the industry’s most flexible power options.
School Offices, Classrooms, Business Offices, Hybrid Workplaces, Smart Buildings, Laboratories, Factories, Audio-visual Products, Digital Advertising, Retail Displays, Trade Shows, and Retrofits
Enjoy easy shopping for all the ink, toner and tech you need, including printers, monitors, monitor arms, headsets, speakers, cables, charging cabinets, TVs, audio-visual, labeling machines, laminators and computer media. Plus state-of-the-art smart interactive touchscreens that enable live screen sharing and whiteboarding with students.

Janitorial & Cleaning
AAA offers janitorial solutions designed specifically around the unique needs of educational environments. We can help you achieve better health outcomes, lower toxic product usage, incorporate more environmentally friendly alternatives, and reduce cleaning labor. As a result, attendance increases, more learning gets done, faculty and staff are happier and healthier, and funding improves. What could be better than that?
Health & Safety
Did you know that 81% of students are concerned about becoming ill due to poor hygiene, and 36% said illness affected their academic performance? Let AAA help you eliminate germs and cross contamination via improved air purification, hand sanitation, PPE, touchless options, disinfection and first aid offerings. Plus we provide first-in-class ergonomic solutions for the workplace.

Supporting Your Local Community
Purchasing through AAA Business Supplies & Interiors, a locally based Bay Area company, keeps 58% more dollars in the local community, creates more jobs, enhances the local tax base and helps our schools. As AAA is a green certified business, your support also helps the environment. Finally, as you can purchase so many different products from AAA, you can reduce the environmental impact of receiving deliveries from multiple suppliers.
Esser Funds
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides funding to LEAs through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER I) Fund, to address the impact of COVID-19 on elementary and secondary schools.