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Did you know that OSHA updated their first aid kit requirements/standards in 2021? Plus, given everyone’s extra sensitivity to getting sick today, it may be the perfect time for you to review your approach to first aid, looking for a safer and more cost effective solution than what you may be using today, especially if you are having your kits managed by a third party “van service”. 

First Aid Only’s SmartCompliance kits are truly unique and revolutionary, and effectively address both safety and cost. They minimize cross contamination and reduce supply expenses. Please read about this solution below and watch the video to fully appreciate the innovative design. Then take a look at the SmartCompliance Complete cabinets shown below and envision how these sleek looking cabinets would upgrade the look of your facility, and bolster the confidence of employees who expect an increasing emphasis from their employers on protecting their safety.


SmartCompliance Features

Compliance Kits



The First Aid Only SafetyHub app simplifies supply requisitioning so you can stay organized and in compliance.

The innovative app allows you to set automatic reminders for checking stock levels on the SmartCompliance family of products and refills.

The SafetyHub app also provides easy to use tools like barcode scanning for creating and sending supply requisitions to your preferred first aid supplier or company purchasing department.

SmartCompliance RetroFit

Make the Smart Move Away from Overstuffed First Aid Cabinets with These Organized and Easy to Manage Grid Inserts

Easily Installs into Existing Cabinets

  • Convert an existing First Aid cabinet to the benefits of SmartCompliance
  • Use the existing cabinet so no need to remove from the wall
  • RetroFit Eliminates the Need to Remove or Purchase a New Cabinet.
  • Reduce First Aid costs by up to 50% over traditional van services
  • Easier to stay ANSI B compliant with SmartTab re-order reminders
  • SafetyHub phone App makes supply requisitions easy and allows you to control your costs
  • Product consists of 3 fully-stocked grids and extra supplies to make a cabinet ANSI B compliant
  • Convert any brand first aid cabinet over 15″ wide with 3 or more shelves
First Aid Only SmartCompliance Kits - SMCompliance-retofit
First Aid Only SmartCompliance Kits - SMCompliance-retofit Instructions



  • Patented SmartTab ezRefill System presents supplies in one at a time dispenser boxes, enabling users, especially sick ones, to only touch just the package they need.
  • One at a time dispensing reduces excess usage, saving money by reducing usage.
  • Patented SmartTab ezRefill boxes revolutionize reordering with highly visible easy to use reorder cards, making managing inventory fast and accurate, helping to insure OSHA compliance.
  • Patented SmartTab ezRefill boxes snap into place in the cabinet, saving money by discouraging employees from removing full boxes while helping to ensure OSHA compliance.
  • Ease of reordering eliminates need for van service personnel to come onsite, eliminating external sources of cross contamination.
  • Overall, SmartCompliance saves an average of 50% vs. traditional van services.
  • Available in a variety of sizes, with or without medications, and in metal or plastic cases. Can also be customized.


  • Van services typically provide bulk refill boxes that require more handling, spreading germs from the sick to the healthy.
  • Users take many more supplies when presented supplies in bulk vs. one at a time dispensing, increasing costs.
  • Users often take/remove full boxes of supplies back to their desk, vs. snap in boxes of SmartCompliance which discourage this.
  • Bulk supply cabinets are messy and labor intensive to manage and refill, leading to frequent OSHA compliance issues.
  • Van service drivers are often incented to overstuff cabinets, and tend to throw away partially used boxes replacing them with full boxes, increasing costs.
  • They typically charge fuel service fees, wipe down fees, cabinet maintenance fees, all of which are eliminated by self-managed SmartCompliance system.
  • Van services often only provide service once a month, leading to outages and less OSHA compliance.
  • Van services typically provide little transparency on usage, making it hard to manage spend for this category.
