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The Right First Aid Cabinet For Your Workplace

SmartCompliance cabinets come in a variety of sizes and configurations to suit the needs of any workplace. Each cabinet is equipped with the innovative SmartCompliance® organized Refill Grid, Refill Boxes, and the SmartTab® ezRefill System for easy maintenance and organization. No matter the size of your business, SmartCompliance has cabinets designed to treat anywhere from 25 to 150 people.


Choose Cabinets with Medications or No Medications

All cabinets are available with the option to include or exclude over-the-counter pain medications, allowing each workplace to decide based on their needs.

SmartCompliance - with-Medications
Smart Compliance - without-Medications

Workplace-Ready First Aid Cabinets

Explore our selection of first aid cabinets to find the perfect fit for your workplace, with 19 options to choose from! 

We offer ten cabinets tailored for General Industry and nine for the Food Industry. 

The Food Industry has specific first aid needs with each cabinet required to have metal detectable bandages. SmartCompliance offers a full line of cabinets to meet this need.

Choose from cabinets with or without pain medications, stocked with either standard adhesive bandages or blue metal-detectable ones, all available in durable metal or plastic cases.

SmartCompliance “Complete” Series of First Aid Cabinets

SmartCompliance Complete offers a modular and sleek design perfect for office settings, allowing you to mix and match individual cabinets for specific first aid needs, including First Aid, Bleed Control, Medications, Eyewash, and Bloodborne Pathogen management.

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“Retrofit” and Upgrade Other Existing First Aid Cabinets

Already have cabinets on your wall? Easily upgrade them to SmartCompliance cabinets using the Retrofit Grids. These grids convert any standard cabinet with three or more shelves and a minimum width of 14.5″. Options include OTC pain medications and blue, metal-detectable bandages for Food Industry settings.

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SmartCompliance Retrofit new image

Retrofit’s easy-to-insert replacement grids transform cluttered, overfilled cabinets into neat, organized spaces.

SmartCompliance RetroFit Brochure

SmartCompliance Solutions - SafetyHub App

The First Aid Only SafetyHub App streamlines supply requisitioning, helping you stay organized and compliant.

With this innovative app, you can set automatic reminders to check stock levels for SmartCompliance products and refills, ensuring you’re always prepared.

SafetyHub also features convenient tools like barcode scanning, making it simple to create and send supply requisitions directly to your preferred first aid supplier or purchasing department.

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Requisitions Made Easy

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Check your cabinets for low stock or visible yellow SmartTabfi refill reminder cards.

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Use the SafetyHub App to scan barcodes on the box or SmartTab.

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Submit requisition directly to AAA within the app.

Core Features & Benefits

  • Automate refills and your process of being OSHA and ANSI compliant.
  • Avoid wasteful overstocking.
  • Enjoy management and reporting for users, cabinets, requisitions, inventory, and safety checks across multiple locations from a single, web-based portal.
  • Send refill requisitions to AAA Business Supplies using email, EDI, API or other customizable options.
  • Integrate into your ecommerce or ERP system for streamlined management and tracking.

Provide users the ability to

  • Create, save, send, and track requisitions from iOS and Android devices or PCs.
  • Set automatic reminders to perform cabinet inventories and create requisitions.
  • Set automatic reminders to perform safety checks on third-party fire extinguishers and AEDs.
  • Use offline mode during internet outages or at remote sites.

Enterprise vs Standard Versions

Accounts with multiple users and cabinets can request access to the enterprise version with expanded features and options. 

How to Get Started

Getting started with SafetyHub is easy – simply download the App in iTunes or Google Play store and register your first cabinet today.

SmartCompliance SafetyHub Brochure


Line Cards

Furniture Line Card
Furniture Line Card
Education Line Card
Education Line Card
Janitorial Line Card
Janitorial Line Card
Breakroom Line Card
Breakroom Line Card