Mouse pads serve a few important functions. For starters, they keep your desk from looking like a piece of driftwood. Repeated motions of the rubber feet of your mouse against the surface of your desk will wear away the finish. The most important function is your hands and wrist.
Make sure you are using a mouse pad that supports your wrist alignment with your desktop lower the chance of injury over time. Below you will find some mouse pad options for you to review.
Evolving mouse pad:
The humble mouse pad has been with us almost as long as the mouse. It provides a smooth, uniform surface that ensures your mouse movements are tracked properly. Early mice barely functioned without a good mouse mat. Modern mice have ditched the ball in favor of ever improving optical sensors that work on virtually any surface. As a result, a lot of people got rid of their mouse pads. There are lots of compelling reasons to use a mouse pad, especially if you’re a gamer.
A good mouse pad still provides a consistent surface for your mouse first and foremost. They also protect your desktop and your mouse, extending the life of both. Mouse pads pick up lint and dust that would otherwise attach itself to your mouse, and they’re easy to clean. Padded or soft cloth mouse pads also add comfort. Available in different finishes and colors, mouse pads can also add a touch of style to an otherwise dull desktop.
Most mouse pads are soft, but you can opt for a hard layer on top if you prefer. You can choose between a silky smooth layer that enables fast movements. A rougher textured surface that enables greater precision. Gamers will have personal preferences depending on the games they play and their play style. Anyone can reduce the risk of a slip or tracking error with a good mouse pad.
Some of the latest mouse pads add wireless charging, which can be very handy to keep your phone charged or if you have a mouse that supports it.